What is Inventory Carrying Cost? Definition, Significance, Formula

cost of carrying inventory

If you lease a warehouse space, you can ask your landlord to cut you a deal. Much like negotiating with manufacturers and suppliers, your approach and success rate depends on a variety of unique factors. An ability to interpret business- and market-specific trends will also improve your inventory turnover ratio. When companies do find themselves moving through inventory too slowly, promotions and bundling may help clear it out. Businesses need to balance demand and supply while improving their inventory turnover or sell-through rate.

  • You should ensure operations are streamlined with everything from an efficient layout to optimized picking lists by bin location to help reduce costs.
  • The futures market price calculation also takes into consideration convenience yield, which is a value benefit of actually holding the commodity.
  • Capital costs refer to all the money plus interest invested in your business inventory.

From there, you can move to a smaller warehouse, another way to cut inventory carrying expenses. As mentioned in the previous part, most retailers are often not making the most of their space. However, they might be surprised to know how efficient warehouse inventory management can significantly reduce inventory holding costs. However, it rarely appears as an expense account or a line in your income statement. Instead, the carry cost of inventory appears on the income statement under several named accounts, such as warehouse insurance expenses.

Storage space cost

It may be hard to believe, but a simple tweak to your warehouse has the potential to lower tax costs, insurance premiums, capital, and depreciation. The carrying cost incurred by the motorcycle retailer is 20% of his total inventory value. To efficiently manage inventory stocking and reduce carrying cost, Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud offers consigned inventory. When the items are stored in a warehouse, there is always a risk involve that the items will get obsolescence in the meantime when they are stored in the warehouse.

cost of carrying inventory

For a more accurate value, it is best to use the second calculation method. Upon receipt of a consignment inventory, the buying organization gains the visibility of on-hand availability of the product with an identifier as the product is owned by the supplier. Depending upon the consumption schedule or manufacturing schedule, the product is available for consumption.


Carrying cost, also known as holding cost, is calculated by adding up all the costs involved in holding inventory. Carrying costs are generally between 20% to 30% of the cost to purchase inventory. In addition to the above 4 types of costs, there are opportunity costs, which are investments and improvements that you fail to make because your assets are tied up in inventory. While you can easily quantify costs like rent storage space, you also need to consider intangible costs that are difficult to measure, like this opportunity cost. Carrying costs are calculated by dividing the total inventory value by the cost of storing the goods over a given time. Instead, look at historical data and calculate optimal inventory levels and reorder points.

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Upgrade Your Inventory Storage Space

Although the coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the risks of a just-in-time inventory strategy, companies still often hold too much stock or the wrong products. This is the stock required to fulfill anticipated demand for various products; it’s not meant to cover the unexpected, like safety stock. Every products-based business must have cycle inventory, or working stock, to keep up with customer demand and generate sales.

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inventory reserve is accounted for as an expense on your company’s income statement. It needs to be emphasized that the inventory reserve is an
allowance, an amount designated and set aside in advance of your inventory actually losing value. Although the idea of purchasing insurance is not sexy, it is a decision that could make or
break you. You need to evaluate the various available premiums and the value of what you are

What’s a Good Annual Inventory Carrying Cost?

A company may not need as much machinery or equipment, or it may use them less frequently and reduce the need for maintenance and repair, if it stores fewer items in its facility. To minimize your business’s inventory on hand, you should take a look at your inventory items and evaluate each SKU to forecast its sales potential. You may even decide to implement a just-in-time what is a contra-liability account inventory system, which minimizes inventory and increases efficiency. The tangible costs of storing inventory such as storage, handling, and insuring goods are obvious. Less obvious are the intangibles such as the opportunity cost of the money that was used to purchase the inventory, and the cost of deterioration and obsolescence of goods in storage.

Accurate inventory and production planning is built on not only accurate data, but people who can effectively analyze and interpret that data. Employees must be able to spot trends in the numbers and interpret the impact. Leaders must also account for how industry trends or broader economic shifts could affect demand for its items.

Here, consider cleaning supplies, gas, lubricants for your machines, and tools for equipment maintenance and repair.

  • Instead of recording your inventory on paper or a spreadsheet, choose a warehouse management system.
  • You can reduce obsolete inventory by offloading inventory while it still has value.
  • Capital costs are those required to purchase raw material or inventory items along with any related financing fees, loan maintenance fees, and interest.
  • In addition to the assigned costs in each of these four categories, holding inventory also comes with an undefined opportunity cost.
  • Instead of tracking inventory by hand and conducting manual cycle counts, consider the benefits of inventory management software.

Many expenses factor into the inventory carrying costs equation—and together they add up to a very common way that businesses waste money. Your inventory carrying cost as a percentage of your total inventory value is an important figure. It tells you what percentage of your total inventory expense was used in storing, transporting, and handling inventory items. To calculate the carrying cost of inventory, you need a few line items related to the cost of doing business (or the holding costs of inventory).

If the volume of any stock item lying in any of the above four categories is high, it would directly impact the inventory holding charges. Many small business owners often ignore this category and do not stock these items. A good strategy would be to estimate the yearly requirement of these stocks after analyzing the sales pattern for the last 4-5 years. Based on the analysis, maintain an average monthly stock level for these stock items.

cost of carrying inventory

Inventory carrying costs include expenses incurred from storing, transporting, and handling inventory as well as labor costs incurred in those processes. They also include taxes, insurance, item replacement, depreciation, and opportunity costs. Inventory carrying costs, or “holding costs”, refer to all the expenses a business incurs to stock and hold inventory over a period.

Another method for holding down holding costs is to renegotiate agreements with your suppliers and/or customers. Make sure you’re not bearing the bulk of unavoidable risks and costs before customers buy these items. For example, structure contracts with suppliers so they are responsible for damage, theft or administrative costs while goods are in their possession.

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